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Monday, November 24, 2008

Save d Lol Kumar .. Save d World !!!!

If the most peevish creature in this IIT, with his mysteriously incessant (12 lakhs worth) smile, and his sadistic egotistical BTP partner are to believed I'm metamorphosizing into something which I despise,, no offense to the intrinsic nature of my B. Tech Project partner ;) ;) but his ability to keep on whining bout the minutest of things is not something covetous ...

To sum up my feelings without being boorish, I wish my partner was a bit more responsible and a little less flimsy with his assurances,,,,(hope this doesnt count as whining :P) Though am not a perfect guy to be partners with ,, am a lil too lethargic, a lil too work-loathing but then who is to blame for making me live just to age, for almost a fifth of my life ( referring to B.Tech for slow grabbers) ,,,

Lets shift d limelight to this always smiling, Johnson's baby oil using, now affluent :P :P, conniving backstabbing miser ... who unluckily is one of my greatest friends in college ( J3haaDi in arms) ,,, To epitomize my bad luck, with him in package deal comes his lanky stooping (B.Tech) life partner, another universally loathed guy (his deprecative comments have made many people quit gaming and inturn quit the most enjoyable part of their college life :P) ... I'll do full justice to his persona later on !!!

Known as L(triple star) :D, apart from being the most frivolous ass, he's the undoubtable God of deceit ,,,, he can lie to u all day long ,, and mind u,if u plan on cornering him better go fishing ,, his armory of backup plans is impregnable !! Largely popular due to his deceitfully amicable nature, he has been given names of incredible ingenuity ,,, some of d most creative ones being Black African nigger (which to date has been most descriptive of his corporeal being) ,, Personally, I prefer calling him Lol Kumar just to make it more public-friendly and also to save myself from the nuisance of being called Bandar or Bondor(the popular Assami version), which I hate as much as or even more than Andrew Symonds ... (I expect a lot of them in comments but for once I have d power n luck to disallow them) :P .... BITE ME ...

To make matters worse, hes now enrolled in Pappu's classes on "how to be a pain in the ass" and is learning how to be more irksome ... Just go n try asking him for his pen drive ,,, ull witness a live example !! If he proficiently learns what hes being taught by d dark master ,, hell's gonna let loose .... coz then we'll have a pappu n lol kumar in one being .... Save d lol kumar Save d world ..... :P :P :P

1 comment:

iceman said...

Shit Load!! The name says it all!!

WoW, Mr. B (*****) does know how to write a blog!

The thing about the BTP partner totally rawked! U hit the mark boy!! hahaha.. wait till he gets to read this! We are gonna have a sem mourning period! And, never know, U may get transformed so much by then that we may get a BTP mourning TEAM! hahaha..

Now that u said it, think I'm the only 1 who can bear with Mr. P! My "guru"! hahaha.. Taking me to the "darker side"!

U arse, Johnsons baby Oil, come on man! Not fair!!
"bakstabber".. hahaha.. shitt, ur the 2nd guy to call me that! Time for a serious image "make-over"!
(The 1st:

The "deceitfully amicable nature" thing.. its all in the "(12 lakhs worth) smile" xD. And people, sometimes I do think nice about others! Seriously, sometimes I do!! *wicked grin*

And on a final note, both of us going to the "dark side" man.. u with ur BTP partner, me with mine. God save us! lolzz..

P.S.: The 12 lakh thing, ah, not again!! GrRRRRR